quick_3d_tips (19)

MAXSCRIPT: Hide license username from UI // delayed startup

Recently (since 2020 or so) Autodesk made 3DS max display username on frontend of 3DS max, which made me and few other people, who share / record lot of materials, bit unhappy. After no clear solution except for "just change it", I've wrote this script…

MAXSCRIPT: Toggle trackbar / statusbar

Maxscript I wrote to salvage these 50 or so pixels on ther bottom area, especially when I'm doing some more devlook oriented tasks, not animating or duplicating / rotating / transforming objects. It'll hide trackbar slider + trackbar then status bar when you click it,…

MAXSCRIPT: Proportional Reference Plane

Script I often use while setting up reference planes from simple pictures: 1. Make plane object (any size/proportions). 2. Drag and drop image from folder to plane. 3. Select plane with now applied texture. 3. Click on button/toolbar/quad you assigned script to. 4. Plane width/height…

MAXSCRIPT: InsetFix Smoothgroup Modifier

Note: This script isn't mine, but its made by very talented Vojtech Cada - I'm reposting it here mostly for myself, so I wont lose it, and to show some viewers. Original link it was grabbed from is: http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/insetfix-modifier Some time ago I've included InsetFix…

OK BOOMER 3D Workflow, it works - 2023 EDITION

Old version can be found here: OK BOOMER, HOW IT WORKS This is an update to my previous workflow describing article, with few updates to tools/plugins I use. It is still very 3ds max centric, but some procedures can be applied to Maya or Blender…


List of frequently asked, basic questions related to 3D, that could be answered by very simple google search, but were instead asked on one of online places, so you can link this article for lazy person to read. List isn't in any particular order. Depends.

Getting best normalmap bakes

AKA why there are seams on my normalmaps / why there is weird shading on my model If you're not familiar with 3ds max terminology, setting up smoothgroups is equivalent to hard edges in maya, or editing normals in blender. tl;dr version for people who…

Understanding the value of your own time.

AKA - how much should I ask for doing XYZ? First thing I want to say: If youre good at something, never do it for free -If you do it for free, youre an exploitable idiot, and youre not only hurting yourself, but the industry…

MAXSCRIPT: Open max file location in explorer

Very short one, written literally 5 minutes ago. Execute below maxscript to create macroscript in Customise User Interface menu, and use it to quickly open folder where the max scene is saved: macroScript OpenMaxFileLocation category:"_Piro_Tools" tooltip:"open max location" ( command = "explorer" commandArg = maxFilePatch…

OK BOOMER 3D Workflow, it works.

Several people asked me about my workflow, so I've decided to put it here for easy of access. This is translation of one of 2010-something post i've made on max3d.pl, with additions to workflow with techniques / tools that are more recent. My current modelling…

Proper way to learn 3D.

 So, you just finished a grenade tutorial, ak tutorial, pistol or knife one. You have zero experience in 3d modelling, but by extensive handholding you managed to finish it, clicking exactly what tutor clicked and doing exactly tutor in the movie did. You learned nothing.

Most common mistakes while making 3d asset.

And how to avoid them, minimising the damage. If your model have issues, you most likely messed up some step or steps. Enjoy re-doing most of your work. Click here for explanation: ASSET CREATION GRAPH + EXPLANATION

MAXSCRIPT: Move/Scale uv chunks by value

Maxscript I wrote to help myself packing all the atlases from various textures, working on envirnoment jobs. Allows you to easily scale / move uv chunks / groups of them by defined values by clicking a D-PAD like controls. You need to have your UV…

MAXSCRIPT: Change the UVW Unwrap checker size on the fly.

Script that does something noone thinks about unless needed - adjusts size (or tiling if you wish) of checker board from UVW Unwrap modifier window (so it doesnt touch your material tiling, and checker vanishes after you exit UWV Modifier) Includes two macros, one for…

MAXSCRIPT: Centering pivot on selected object.

Small, very simple script that saves me few clicks: macroScript centerPivot Category:"_Piro_Tools" toolTip:"Center Pivot" ( $.pivot = $.center ) Centers the object pivot to geometry-weighted center, especially usefull when you duplicate mesh elements using shift+drag method. Found again here: Bind it to key, quad or toolbar as…

MAXSCRIPT: Copy & Paste files between max instances and scenes

Two small maxscript macros that let you copy and paste files using a temporary file created in $autoback directory. macroScript Copy_Objects_To_File Category:"_Piro_Tools" toolTip:"CopyToFile" ( thecopypastedir = getdir #autoback thecopypastefile = "\pastefile.max" thecopypastestring = thecopypastedir + thecopypastefile if $ != undefined do saveNodes $ thecopypastestring )…