TS100 Printable durable case - now with 100% more cyber!
by piro
I've got linked this by a friend:
And while it seem like a nice upgrade from my previous holding box for ts100, I've quickly realised it have few features I dislike.
When I design things, I want them to be as easily printed as possible, and modular as possible, and allow lot of customisation from the start. I have Prusa 3D, but without multi-material addon, so only swapping filament on the layer change made sense (And I don't really like purge block method, seems wasteful). Second, I want latches to be easily replacable, and I dont like torque between bigger parts on hinges. Latches should be interchangeable with hinges as well, in case I need a box that is openable completely, with removal of top piece. Second, I dont really need/want/can delegate time to measure every piece of equipment I have, so I'd like to use inserts from already estabilished project, with as minimum changes as possible. And to top all of above, I like certain asthetics, which is mix of utilitarism and cyberpunk styles.
Having this in mind, on the span of 3 days, new version was designed and printed. Some 3ds max shots:

And after few tries on the latches/hinges (I REALLY wanted a subtle dual-tone touch to them), and editing already-done insert with item compartments, I've got final product, that I'm extremely happy with:
At some point I'll share finished design, probably after I clean it up a bit and make more generic case-design, as I'm convinced that this design is easier to print, and have much stronger structural integrity, with every hinge base/fin thickened, as well few less noticeable changes, mainly to angles as well printable bed surface areas.